An engagement program is a special event that celebrates the announcement of a couple's engagement.
The program typically includes various activities that are designed to create a memorable experience for the couple and their guests.
Know MoreThe program typically includes various activities that are designed to create a memorable experience for the couple and their guests.
Wedding Full Program
The program typically includes all of the important events and activities that will take place on the wedding day.
This includes the ceremony, reception, and any other special events or activities that the couple has planned.
Know MoreThis includes the ceremony, reception, and any other special events or activities that the couple has planned.
Marriage Anniversary
A marriage anniversary program is a special event that celebrates the milestone of a couple's wedding anniversary.
As an event planner, my goal would be to create a unique and personalized experience.
Know MoreAs an event planner, my goal would be to create a unique and personalized experience.
Apartmán “NA VERANDĚ”
Připravili jsme pro Vás apartmán, který částí svého vybavení chce připomenout, jak se bydlelo před 70 lety na mlýně. V opravdové vesnické koupelně budete sice disponovat teplou vodou, splachovací toaletou a vanou, ale to bude ten největší komfort.
Know MoreApartmán „MODRÁ KUCHYŇ“
Bydlení se dvěma secesními postelemi, koupelnou a malou, ale kompletně vybavenou kuchyní. Kdysi dříve byla kuchyně vybavena modrými kachlovými kamny a byla součástí letního bytu. Už před 60 lety k nám na mlýn jezdili letní hosté...
Know MoreApartmán „SÝPKA“
Velkoryse pojaté bydlení se dvěma ložnicemi, společnou místností s francouzským oknem, která může být třeba jídelnou, a s kompletně vybavenou kuchyní a koupelnou. Dříve byl tento prostor jednou velkou sýpkou pro uskladnění obilí.
Know MoreUbytování “V NADSKLEPÍ”
Cyklisté a výletníci, jste vítáni!
Po pěti letech usilovné práce se podařilo pro Vás, turisty, cyklisty a další výletníky, připravit ubytování. Máme pro vás nachystanou společnou ložnici o 12 lůžkách, kompletně vybavenou kuchyňku s elektrickým sporákem a lednicí, dvě koupelny (muži, ženy) se sprchou.
Wedding Full Program
The program typically includes all of the important events and activities that will take place on the wedding day.
This includes the ceremony, reception, and any other special events or activities that the couple has planned.
Know MoreThis includes the ceremony, reception, and any other special events or activities that the couple has planned.
An engagement program is a special event that celebrates the announcement of a couple's engagement.
The program typically includes various activities that are designed to create a memorable experience for the couple and their guests.
Know MoreThe program typically includes various activities that are designed to create a memorable experience for the couple and their guests.
Marriage Anniversary
A marriage anniversary program is a special event that celebrates the milestone of a couple's wedding anniversary.
As an event planner, my goal would be to create a unique and personalized experience.
Know MoreAs an event planner, my goal would be to create a unique and personalized experience.